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Redemption, Reconciliation, and Reformation (eBook)

Redemption, Reconciliation, and Reformation (eBook)

Author: J. R. Willson
Publisher: Crown & Covenant
Binding: eBook

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eBook edition. Please note that you will be able to download the item to your computer then transfer it to your device.


Alexander McLeod (1774–1833) was a celebrated writer and well-known abolitionist leader in his time, but the body of his work has been inaccessible to the modern reader—until now.  

Comprised of 18 writings, Keddie's volume gathers McLeod's work into three categories. 

"Redemption" offers gems about intimacy with God and careful exegeses of Romans 8:18-23 and 9:22-23. 

"Reconciliation" includes an examination of Christ's atonement and its reconciling effect, as well as an essay on how the work of pastoral ministry is a ministry of reconciliation. 

In "Reformation," you'll discover McLeod's important essay on the kingship of Christ and another on his call for the end to slavery—an 1802 tract that was published repeatedly in 11 editions up until the Civil War.

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