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Hitting the Marks: Restoring the Essential Identity of the Church (Imperfect)

Hitting the Marks: Restoring the Essential Identity of the Church (Imperfect)

Author: Barry J. York
Publisher: Crown & Covenant Publications
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 161 pp

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Evaluating a church or choosing a good one can be a difficult task. So many styles, so many types, so many different experiences and focuses. We quickly see the activities of a church, and those can be important; but how much do they reveal about the churchs essential nature? Are there signs that a church is actually a good church, both on the surface and deep down?

Those questions lead to others. What distinguishes a true congregation of Gods people from a cult, a misguided sect, or an apostate church? What may be signs that a church is drifting away from its calling?

Historically, the church has provided answers to these questions from the Scriptures, which are a sure and lasting guide. Certain marks have been given to distinguish the true, visible church from false ones. In particular, there are three essential identification marks, which we will explore in this book.

Whether you are looking for a church, seeking to understand your own church experience better, or wanting to guide others in deepening the church's true identity, this book is for you.

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