The Sum of Saving Knowledge was written in 1650 by two pastors to summarize the Westminster Standards for the lay person. So popular was the book, that it was bound with almost every edition of the Westminster Standards for the next three centuries and became a cherished part of the Scottish Reformed literary heritage—though it remains largely unknown today. This new gift edition, lightly edited and in modernized English, may again make The Sum a treasured companion for Christians at all stages of their journey. It also includes a newly created apparatus to help the reader easily locate specific sections.
And its companion, The Larger Catechism with Scripture Proofs is a great way to study biblical truths. Carefully written by the Westminster Divines in the 17th century, the catechism covers basic theology in a timeless and systematic manner, offering Scripture verses after each question for biblical study.
These editions are thoughtfully typeset for pleasurable reading and study. Their 4 x 6-inch size make them easy to carry to your study group or a coffee shop.
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