eBook edition of Missions.Please note that you will be able to download the item then transfer it to your device.
Whether you are trying to understand your calling to missions work, wanting your congregation to support missionaries more effectively, or are going on a short-term trip, this book is for you. John M. L. Youngs own mission work informed and nurtured his passion for missions, and he published his theology of missions in a series of ten pamphlets in 1964. For the first time, these studies are published in one volume.
Whether you are trying to understand your calling to missions work, wanting your congregation to support missionaries more effectively, or are going on a short-term trip, this book is for you. John M. L. Youngs own mission work informed and nurtured his passion for missions, and he published his theology of missions in a series of ten pamphlets in 1964. For the first time, these studies are published in one volume.